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NWHC: Marketing for a New Location

Northland Women’s Health Care, (established in 1987 in Kansas City, Missouri) was moving to a new medical office complex and needed to make their patients aware of the upcoming change. With a broad demographic to cover, they needed a way to reinforce this message in as many ways as possible. Multiple steps in the marketing plan worked nicely with spreading the news of the exciting new location.

Following are some of the successful ways that Red Crow Marketing was able to provide the media and content the client needed to ensure a smooth transition to the new facility.


One highly successful part was the Email Marketing campaign that was sent to their entire subscription list. And boy did they read it. Achieving a 90% Open Rate is truly a great accomplishment for the health center! Thankfully, this gives a strong indication that we were successful in reaching and informing new or existing patients when and where the move was to take place.

Email marketing continues to be one of the most effective and least expensive marketing tools for a business to communicate with their customers. Using a marketing agency like Red Crow Marketing, the client gains the experience and expertise to help assemble and improve the e-Mail marketing campaign.

Red Crow Marketing’s e-Mail marketing services include:
1) Helping you select the right email application to fit your business
2) Planning and executing email list building initiatives
3) Creating and designing engaging content
4) Providing clear and timely reports to measure success


As one of several initiatives in the campaign, Red Crow Marketing designed and produced a series of large posters to be displayed in the clinic’s waiting area and exam rooms. Working in conjunction with digital advertising, direct mail, and promotional items, the patients were well informed of the upcoming change. This proved to be an effective way to engage the current patients while they were on site.



NWHC needed a way to direct patients to their new office. The office, located in a large complex of doctors and dentists, created limited wayfinding options. To make it as easy as possible for patients to find their way, Red Crow Marketing designed two, 7ft tall retractable banners to act as a guide. Placing the banners near the elevator at the main entrance, and at the office door on the third floor, provided a nice way to direct the patients who were visiting on-site.

Red Crow Marketing Portfolio Other NWHC Banner Stands


There was concern that patients may have difficulty finding the new location and NWHC wanted to provide some wayfinding options. After reviewing the surrounding area, traffic flow, and visibility requirements, Red Crow Marketing designed a set of simple, cost-effective signs NWHC could place on the access roads to the facility.

Red Crow Marketing Portfolio Other NWHC Directional Yard Signs


Northland Women’s Health Care is now enjoying their new facility. The well informed patients now knew of the move. Additionally, the directions on strategically placed signage in the area works nicely guiding patients to the health center. NWHC continues to use Red Crow Marketing for a number of their marketing and design needs; and the relationship continues to grow. This success story only adds to the long-time history that Red Crow has working with Healthcare Marketing, one of their many focused industries.

Specializing in Services Marketing, Manufacturer Marketing and of course Health Care Marketing, Red Crow is always ready to help.

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