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Five Key Principles to Creating Effective Ads

Image by Andrey Bayda
Image by Andrey Bayda

Five Key effective ad principles

Effective ads don’t just happen. If you want to obtain your best results, there are five key principles you should follow when planning an advertising campaign and creating ads that work. Many others may say there are many more. When you get into the weeds, they’re probably right. I’m talking about the fundamental objectives you need to consider, then define further before you start writing checks to media.

Now, any marketing student has heard of The 5 P’s of Marketing – Product, Price, Promotion, Place, and People. These are key marketing elements used to position a business strategically. The 5 P’s of Marketing are sound principles you should always consider. This article only focuses on areas with the “Promotion” category and a little in the “People” column of the 5 Ps.

As I see it, the five principles or stages you should follow to create ads that produce results are Research, Strategy, Creativity, Placement, and Reporting.

Suppose you’re inexperienced, uncomfortable, or unsuccessful with marketing. In that case, I highly recommend discussing your situation and plans with an established marketing agency first. What you’ll learn in an hour or two you spend in initial discussions can save you thousands of dollars. It could make the difference between success or failure, or even your business’s survival.

1. effective advertising and Marketing Starts with Research

It doesn’t matter whether your business has been around for two months or two decades. Before you launch any new marketing campaign, you need to take a fresh look around. With marketing channels and technology expanding at unprecedented rates, buyer behavior is changing. New media, social channels, competitors, and expectations are constantly emerging. With consumers now shopping from their sofas, the marketing battleground is no longer in traditional media; it has moved online. And that’s the first place to start your research.

Today, there are many online analytical tools that can help you see how buyers are searching and researching products to buy. For example, you can see what keywords they use the most with tools like Google Trends. Google Analytics is undoubtedly something you need to review as well. These are just a couple of many tools you should use each time you develop a marketing strategy.

Finally, it would be best if you gained an understanding of SEO. It is an essential link in the buyer’s journey. If you don’t compete well in search results, you’re going to be in trouble. Here is some valuable insight into what SEO is and what you need to do to compete.

2. Develop Marketing Strategy Based on Your Research

Understanding the keywords people prefer to use when searching for your product or service will give you insight into constructing your message title, content, and even graphics. Additionally, your research would provide you with what source or channels they prefer, helping you determine the use and weight of advertising placement. Use these keywords to create effective ads.

Also, remember it’s usually far more critical to include a strategy to remind old customers you appreciate them and invite them back in. It is 10x less expensive to do business with previous customers than to attract and do business with someone you don’t know yet.

3.Creative that demonstrates solutions

You’ll never sell anything if they don’t see you. With all the creative logos and advertisements flying around these days, it’s challenging to rise above the noise. You must always reach for creative approaches, or your ad is just another leaf on the tree.

Effective advertisements share a few of the same qualities. They are engaging, relevant, and well-timed—and most importantly, they draw customers into your business.

First, effective advertising should make people stop what they’re doing and pay attention. Most consumers view advertisements as interruptions and automatically ignore the messages. Your advertising needs to be engaging and catch their interest. An effective ad is enjoyable and also informative, staying in the customer’s mind after he or she has moved on.

Another essential principle to remember is, people will be more inclined to notice and pay attention to communication that immediately demonstrates a solution to what they need or desire. Ad advertisement that promises “Results in 24 hours” in the copy is far more likely to get a click than “We’re a family-owned business.” Your advertising communications should always look to fill a need for the prospect, whenever possible.

4.Place your advertising for the best ROI

From traditional media to online advertising, there are plenty of places to advertise. Choose the advertising platforms that are most relevant to your audience and create ads designed especially for the venues. Think about what your customers will be doing when they see your ad and plan a message tuned to their interests. One of the best-kept secrets in advertising is receiving professional media placement assistance for free in many traditional media. It’s true. Many traditional media channels will pay a 15% commission to the agency. It would help if you spoke with a professional media buyer to understand this unique and valuable offer.

5. Review to identify your effective ads

Unless results don’t matter, you should never just “place and forget” your advertising. A couple of decades back, media was placed based on an educated guess. Results were often measured simply by seeing increases in sales.

Today there are many advertising measurement methods available for both online and traditional media. The guesswork has been removed. You can obtain data that gives you insight into the needs and actions of buyers online, e.g., Google Analytics. Suppose you have not set up Google Analytics on your website or don’t know how to use it. In that case, you should get some assistance and marketing counseling immediately.


In summary, these five principles will help you to create more effective ads that gain more results and deliver better ROI. Contact Red Crow Marketing here or call us at 417-889-1658 for a free marketing assessment.

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