Website Traffic Performance
Please note; because we are disclosing specific issues and numbers which apply to a client, we do not feel it proper for us to publicly reveal their identity without their written permission.
The “success” of a website is based on two elements, how well the website meets the strategic goal is was planned for and how effectively those results meet the operational objectives of the client. Each client has unique needs that need to be met by the website making the success or failure of the website unique to each situation.
In some cases, the website is packed with information and the product / service has a long buying process. The viewer wants to do a lot of research before deciding to make a purchase. In those situations, we need to generate more traffic to the website to increase awareness. In other cases, our objective is to create a specific engagement with the user through events such as form submissions, file downloads or video plays. In either situation, the website traffic plays a part in the success or failure of the website.
A session is the period of time when a user is actively engaged with a website. All usage data is associated with a session. Whether it’s one user returning to the website many times, or several different users visiting the site only once.
Users are visitors to the website that have at least one session. This includes both new and returning visitors.
Pageviews are the total number of pages viewed. This includes multiple or repeated views of the same page.
% New Sessions
While not an exact number, Google Analytics provides an estimated percentage of sessions that were create generated by new users.

Case Study

Current Website Traffic
In the study shown, the client – a small law firm – was having difficulty driving traffic to their website. With the type the law they practice, potential clients want a lot of information before deciding to engage. With numbers lagging, they asked us to help.
Using Google Analytics, we established a baseline measurement of the current website traffic.

After performing a thorough examination of the website and correcting any technical flaws, we started expanding the off-site connection of links (called Backlinks). By expanding the directory listings, the equivalent of a web-based phone book, and creating content on industry websites, we created a “net” of links leading back to our primary website. This net expands the connection points from our website to the rest of the internet, increasing page authority, improving search result position, and in turn, leading to more traffic to the website.
Website Traffic Improvement
Search engine optimization is a slow but very cost effective process. After 60 days of content generation and off-site placement, with monthly performance review and adjustment, we compared our current values with our original baseline and the traffic growth was almost double

Result: Happy Client
Since these corrections were made, the client has reported a significant increase in prospect inquiry and client acquisition directly attributed to online marketing; almost to the point of being overwhelmed.
If you’re struggling to generate the website traffic you need, Red Crow Marketing can help. Give us a call today for a free consultation.